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GENERATIONAL (OR INTER-GENERATIONAL) TRAUMA is a concept that explains years of generational challenges experienced within a family. Generational trauma is the transmission of psychological and emotional wounds created through oppressive and/or traumatic historical events. 

Breaking the Cycle of Generational Trauma

I’m passionate about helping people build and strengthen their relationships because I know, personally, how dysfunctional relationships can impact your daily life. Our parents', or caregivers’, trauma, oppression, struggles, and challenges were factors in the ways in which they raised us. We are all impacted by our upbringing in one way or another. This does not mean that we all have experienced trauma, but it does mean that we were taught ways of coping, acceptable and unacceptable ways of expressing emotions, beliefs, and norms that we use to move around within relationships today. Sometimes this works for us, other times it doesn’t. We will work together to identify behaviors and thoughts that were once helpful to us, but are now hindering us from growth. We do this work through exploring past experiences, genograms, and  trauma therapy modalities.

Break the Cycle.
Start today!

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